Portrait of EH-A by Kay Vaughan
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News and Events 2014
The 2013 edition of Sussex Archaeological Collections, being volume 151, included an article: "Heron-Allen and the 'Saxon feet' from Selsey" by David Bone on pp.187-192.
Bowden, A. J., Gregory, F. J. & Henderson, A. S. (eds), 2013. Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development. The Micropalaeontologial Society. Special Publications. Geological Society, London, includes on pp. 47-57 an article: Whittaker, J.E. 2013. "Edward Heron-Allen FRS (1861-1943)".
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Heron-Allen Scholarship, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, will be holding a one-day conference in the Pipe Partridge Building on aspects of Biological and Life Sciences, the study of which are supported by the Heron-Allen Scholarship. The event will take place in the College on Saturday 8 March 2014, from 10am to 3.30pm.
The programme for the day will be as follows:
9.30am onwards: Registration; Simpkins Lee Theatre, Pipe Partridge Building
10am: Welcome from the Principal, Dr Frances Lannon
10.05am: Presentation by Dr Henry Gee, Senior Editor of the scientific journal Nature, about new themes, ideas and methods in research in biological sciences today, followed by Q&A
11.15am: Tea and coffee in the adjacent Monson Room where posters by students will be on display
11.30am: Biology at Lady Margaret Hall, including a brief overview of research and teaching, by Professor Adrian Thomas, Professor of Biomechanics and Tutor in Zoology, and Dr Aziz Aboobaker, Fellow and Tutor in Biological Sciences and Genetics at Lady Margaret Hall. Followed by presentations on research by Lady Margaret Hall graduate students
12.45pm: Buffet lunch in the Deneke Dining Hall
1.45pm: Tea and coffee in the Monson Room, with further opportunity to view posters
2.20pm: Presentation of prize for the best poster
2.30pm: Presentation by Professor David Macdonald CBE DSc FRSE, Wildlife Research Fellow at LMH and Director of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), about the global work of WildCRU, followed by Q&A
3.30pm: Finish
Places cost £16 per person, to include lunch and refreshments. To book, please visit the online booking page. The deadline for booking is Friday 28 February 2014.
The Society's visit to the tomb of Edward Fitzgerald took place on Saturday 24 May. We met at Little Grange in Woodbridge at 11, when the Bartletts kindly showed us round Edward Fitzgerald's house. Garry Garrard, introduced us to the Bartletts, and then showed us around other buildings in Woodbridge associated with Fitzgerald. We then lunched at the Bull in Woodbridge. After lunch we travelled to Boulge where we visited Fitzgerald's grave in the churchyard. The day concluded with a light meal at the home of Alan and Minoo Lord in Manningtree.
The Society's Newsletter no.24 (Spring 2014) was published and distributed. As well as the programme and details of the 14th. Annual Symposium (which was held at the Novium, Tower Street, Chichester, on Saturday 28 June), the Newsletter included an account of the Heron-Allen 70th Anniversary Conference held at Lady Margaret Hall on Saturday 8 March by Juliet Field and a number of articles. These included ‘The Edward Heron-Allen Collection of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam at the London Library’ by Garry Garrard; ‘An early Enigma’ by Ivor Jones; ‘Edward Heron-Allen’s Hodges against Chanot revisited: Discoveries in the Basement of the Royal College of Music’ by Barbara P Mahoney and John P. Mahoney; and ‘Edward Heron-Allen and Lindsay Fleming’ by Timothy J. McCann.
The Society's 14th Annual Symposium was held in the Woolstaplers Room at the Novium, Tower Street, Chichester in West Sussex on Saturday 28 June at 2pm, preceded by lunch at Vintage, 12-14 Westgate, Chichester. The programme included the following talks: 'Edward Heron-Allen and Selina Dolaro: The Princess Daphne. Co-authorship: opinion or fact' by John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney; 'Edward Heron-Allen and Walter Sickert in Venice and Dieppe' by Timothy J. McCann; 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Selsey Feet' by David Bone; and 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Selsey Tram' by John Whittaker.
The Society's 4th international visit was to Venice and Verona on 21-27 September, with two days in Venice and five in Verona.
The Society’s Opusculum No.XX was published entitled ‘Edward Heron-Allen and his Collections’, edited by Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker. The Opusculum featured articles, including: ‘Doctor Christopher Blayre, Scientific and Literary Accomplishments, 1921-1934’ by John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney; ‘Edward Heron-Allen and the Discovery of the Selsey Mammoth, 1909’ by Simon Parfitt; ‘Edward Heron-Allen’s Coins and Banknotes in the British Museum’ by Thomas Hockenhull; ‘Edward Heron-Allen’s other Collections in the British Museum’ by Pamela Thompson; and ‘Heron-Allen’s Pocket Watch’ by David Thompson. These articles were delivered as talks at the Society’s 13th Annual Heron-Allen Symposium held at the British Museum in London in June 2013.
The Society’s Opusculum No.XXI was published entitled 'Edward Heron-Allen: Selsey and beyond', edited by Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker. The Opusculum featured articles, including: ‘Edward Heron-Allen and Selina Dolaro: The Princess Daphne Co-Authorship: Opinion or Fact’, by John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney; ‘Edward Heron-Allen and Walter Sickert in Venice and Dieppe’, by Timothy J. McCann; ‘Edward Heron-Allen and the "Saxon Feet" from Selsey’ by David Bone; and ‘Heron-Allen and the Selsey Tramway’ by John E. Whittaker. These articles were delivered as talks at the Society’s 14th Annual Symposium held at the Novium in Chichester in June 2014.
The Society’s Newsletter no. 25 (Autumn 2014) was published and distributed. The issue contained reports on the 14th Annual Symposium at the Novium, in Chichester, by Garry Garrard, and the Society’s week-end in Woodbridge in the footsteps of Edward Fitzgerald by Sylvia Blunden. The articles were ‘Lost anecdotes: Edward Heron-Allen’s Yarns in the Royal College of Music Library; and ‘Le Gallienne versus Heron-Allen Incident, Postcript 3: The Clouds of Discontent at the Sette of Odd Volumes, the missing document, no.1 “Bye-Laws Special” Meeting, by Brother Edward F. Wyman 7 Dec 1889’, both by Barbara P. Mahoney and John P. Mahoney. The issue was completed by obituaries of Peter Allpress by Felicity Guille and of Professor Brian Harvey by the editor.