Edward Heron-Allen outside Large Acres, 1922
Memorial meeting for John Eustace Whittaker
(25.09.1945 – 29.07.2023)
Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Neil Chalmers Lecture Theatre
The Natural History Museum London
If you would like to attend the meeting, with or without a presentation, or have any questions, please contact
Dave Horne by email (d.j.horne@qmul.ac.uk).
To read the full notice, please click here
Joachim in the Heron-Allen Collection at the Royal College of Music, London
Powerpoint presentation by
Sinni Francesco Ricci
New Book
Three Ghost-Written Novels Edward Heron-Allen
Edited and with an introduction by Dabiel Corrick
(Snuggly Books, 2021)
Hardback 556pp.
Limited to 120 copies. $48
Paperback 554pp., $32
Contains The Princess Daphne, Bella-Demonia and The Vengeance of Maurice Denalquez
New Book
The Complete Shorter Fiction
Edward Heron-Allen
(Snuggly Books, 2019)
Hardback 582pp., Limited to 120 copies. $50
Paperback 580pp., $36.00
Presented here for the first time in a single volume, is the entire corpus of short fiction by Edward Heron-Allen, one of England’s most intriguing, and unnecessarily obscure, authors. From "The Suicide of Sylvester Gray," the novella which was an inspiration for The Portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, a friend of Heron-Allen's, to “The Cheetah Girl,” an outrageous masterpiece of biological science fiction, the present collection is a tour de force of the elegant, the bizarre, and the unmentionable.
With a total of thirty tales, the five volumes contained herein, many of which have previously only been obtainable for exorbitant prices, are now finally available in a proper format for connoisseurs, and the unafraid.
New Book
The Cheetah Girl
Edward Heron-Allen
(Snuggly Books, 2019)
Hardback 74pp.
Limited to 110 copies. $26
New Book
Edward Heron-Allen. A Bibliography
By John P. Mahoney and Timothy J. McCann
Copies of the Bibliography can be ordered from the Chairman for £25 plus £2.95 postage
This is a first attempt at a definitive bibliography of Edward Heron-Allen. This bibliography is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to Heron-Allen’s books and pamphlets. The second part, devoted to articles written by Heron-Allen, includes his many contributions to foraminiferal research, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, local history and archaeology, the history of the violin, the Journal Notes and Queries, the Dictionary of National Biography and the biographies of violinists in Grove’s Dictionary of Music. Finally, the third part, includes all published references to Heron-Allen, his life, work and interests. These include books, articles and relevant websites.
Edward Heron-Allen's A Fatal Fiddle
The Society
The Heron-Allen Society was formed at a meeting at the West Sussex Record Office in Chichester on 5th June 2000.
The objectives of the Society are to study and record all aspects of the life and interests of Edward Heron-Allen, 1861-1943 and to promote his work.
It is with special thanks to his grandson, Ivor Jones, that we are able to bring you the information contained on these pages. All material by Edward Heron-Allen, either under his own name or the various pseudonyms that he employed, is copyright the Estate of Heron-Allen.
Following the recent deaths of Tim McCann and John Whittaker, the remnant of your committee has struggled to see what the future might be for the Society. You will have seen the announcements we have made on the website, but of course decisions now need to be made. As you will know, we have recently decided not to ask for further subscriptions, as we are aware that we can’t provide value for money to members at the moment. We will shortly be publishing our latest Newsletter (postponed from last autumn), in honour of John, though we feel that this will be likely to be our last publication unless we can find a new way to keep the Society in existence. This may sound harsh, but we are finding that without the energy and expertise of Tim and John we lack the means to continue. The website will continue for the moment to be the focus for activity and communication, so please do keep an eye on activity there. You will get further information in a letter enclosed with Newsletter no. 42, which will encourage you to think about this, and to get in touch with any suggestions.
Many thanks and very best wishes Juliet (Hon. Sec.) and Pam (Treasurer)