Photograph of Edward Heron-Allen, 1927
Bodleian Library
Edward Heron-Allen collection of watchpapers
rare_books_named_collections/rare_books_named_collection_descriptionsBritish Museum
Collections of banknotes and coins and pottery and various other items
www.britishmuseum.org/research/search_the_collection_database/term_details.aspx?bioId=74581London Library
Collection of material relating to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
www.londonlibrary.co.uk/index.php?/specialcollections.htmlMuseum of the History of Science
(Oxford)3 portraits (by Harry Furniss and Walter Stoneman)
www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/collections/imu-search-page/record-details/?TitInventoryNo=13171&querytype=field&thumbnails=on&irn=29345National Portrait Gallery
Photo, scrapbook and letterbook
www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp68494/edward-heron-allen5Natural History Museum
Collection of 740 slides of foraminifera, including specimens from historic expeditions such as
HMS Challenger and Terra Nova
http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/collections/our-collections/micropalaeontology/foraminifera/heron-allen/index.html http://www.nhm.ac.uk/natureplus/blogs/micropalaeo/2012/12/24/100th-anniversary-of-the-microfossil-christmas-card The Heron-Allen Library
www.nhm.ac.uk/natureplus/blogs/micropalaeo/tags/edward_heron-allen?fromGateway=trueNational Maritime Museum
(London)2 volumes of papers relating to naval figures
http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cats/126/17637.htmThe Novium, Chichester District Museum
Collection of Neolithic flints collected at Selsey (mainly 1908-9) and at Stoke Down (1910);
stone artefacts (mainly arrowheads) from North America and Mexico, including two letters of 1909
relating to their acquisition by Heron-Allen; Two 19th-century mousetraps ("Automaton and
Perpetual Mousetrap") by Colin and Charles Pullinger of Selsey; 115 fossils, mainly bivalves
and gastropods collected by Heron-Allen (includes the Selsey "feet" erroneously identified by
Heron-Allen as part of a Saxon/early medieval monument); copy of Heron-Allen's book 'Selsey Bill:
Historic and Pre-historic' (London 1911); seven watercolours by George de Paris (c.1859-99) of church architecture in West Sussex, acquired by Captain Fuller from the collection of Edward Heron-Allen,
1939-44 (Acc Nos. 1155-61)
www.thenovium.org/index.cfm?articleid=12124Omar Khayya'm Theatre Company
Royal College of Music
Collection of works on and relating to stringed instruments https://www.rcm.ac.uk/library/collections/ Index to Edward Heron-Allen Miscellanea in the Royal College of Music Library
Click here to see the IndexThe Royal Society
(London)University of Birmingham
Theatre programmes and playbills of Ianthe Theodora Heron-Allen, eldest daughter of Edward Heron-Allen
https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/search/archives/ffa03c8b-2449-3365-af04-710604872427University of South Dakota
Edward Heron-Allen musical collection
http://apps.usd.edu/campus/library/mahoney/West Sussex Record Office
Heron-Allen collection and Heron-Allen Society Archives