Edward Heron-Allen in uniform, c. 1918
Edward Heron-Allen. A Bibliography
By John P. Mahoney and Timothy J. McCann
This is a first attempt at a definitive bibliography of Edward Heron-Allen. This bibliography is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to Heron-Allen’s books and pamphlets. The second part, devoted to articles written by Heron-Allen, includes his many contributions to foraminiferal research, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, local history and archaeology, the history of the violin, the Journal Notes and Queries, the Dictionary of National Biography and the biographies of violinists in Grove’s Dictionary of Music. Finally, the third part, includes all published references to Heron-Allen, his life, work and interests. These include books, articles and relevant websites.
Copies of the Bibliography can be ordered from the Chairman for £25 plus £2.95 postage.
POSTSCRIPT (From November 2018)
Chiromancy or, the Science of Palmistry
By Henry Frith and Ed. Heron-Allen
First Edition
Private Printing, (London), circa 1882. 60 pp., illustrated softcover pamphlet, 8vo, illustrations
Brave Old Britain and Other Verse
By L. Blaber [Pseudonym for Edward Heron-Allen]
First edition
Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd. (London), circa 1926. 20 pp., softcover pamphlet, 8vo.
Perzische Kwatrunen [Persian Quatrains]. Baba Tahir
The text was translated by Jan Spier Dijk from the 1902 English translations of Edward Heron-Allen and Elizabeth Curtis Brenton.
First edition in Dutch
Uitgeverij Contact, (Amsterdam), 1944. 32 pp., illustrated hardcover, 8vo., fifteen illustrations by Salim.
The Cheetah-Girl
By Christopher Blayre [Edward Heron-Allen]
Reprint edition, limited to 110 copies for private circulation
Privately printed, Tipografia Flavian, Via Petronius 69 (not found in original 1923 printing), [Snuggly Books], (USA,) 2019. 72 pp. Hard cover (paper boards), 8vo., ISBN 2370000726681
[Note: There is a reprint, Tartarus Press, 1998, limited and numbered to 99 copies]
Edward Heron-Allen. The Complete Shorter Fiction
By Edward Heron-Allen
First Edition, Limited to 120 copies for Hard Cover
Snuggly Books, (USA), 2019, 576 pp., Hard cover (illustrated paper boards), 8vo., ISBN 2370000726285, also soft paper illustrated covers , 8vo., 574 pp., ISBN978-1-64525-017-3
Violin-Maker of Bremen
By Edward Heron-Allen, translator of the original French article by Jules du Vernay [Undated]
First English Edition
The Musical Times magazine, London, Vol. 24(no. 490): April 1, 1883, 656
Practical Theosophy: Queer Story
By Edward Heron-Allen [Anonymous]
First Edition
Truth Magazine, (London), Vol. XIX (N0. 484), April, 8, 1886, 537-540
A Theatrical First Night: Queer Story
By Anonymous [Attributed to Edward Heron-Allen]
First Edition
Truth Magazine, (London), Vol. XX, Sept. 2, 1886, 389-392
The Ever Present Past
By Rosin le Beau [Edward Heron-Allen]
The Violin Times Journal, (London), Vol. IX (No. 107): September 15, 1902, 154-156
"A Thought" [Poem]
By Edward Heron-Allen
3rd Annual Dance under the Direction of Mrs. Barford to be held at Langford’s Tea Rooms, Selsey, on Friday, 24th August 1923. Alton Cripples Hospital & Cottage, (Selsey), 1923, 4pp, illustrated pamphlet, small 8vo.
Selective Building in the Shells of Foraminifera
By Edward Heron-Allen and Arthur Earland
The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, Proceedings of the Quekett Microscopical Club at its 606th Ordinary Meeting on June 8th, 1926, (London), Series 2, Vol. XV (No. 92), 1926, 275-280
The Thing that Smelt [The Purple Sapphire and other Posthumous Papers, 1921]
By Christopher Blayre [Edward Heron-Allen]
Reprint Story, [English Edition]
The House of Fear Presents 'After Midnight'. Fourteen Famous Terror Tales Adapted for Stage, Screen, Radio, (New York City), House of Fears Publications, 2012, 160-168, ISBN-13: 978-1470037383
Aalila/Cosmic Dust. Tales about the Planet Venus and Where We Came [The Purple Sapphire and other Posthumous Papers, 1921]
By Christopher Blayre [Edward Heron-Allen]
Reprint Story, [Japanese Edition]
Booksorindo, (USA), Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited, 14 August 2016, 38 pp., ASIN: B01KFZ0H16
La Creatura Mefitica [The Thing That Smelt, The Purple Sapphire and other Posthumous Papers, 1921]
By Christopher Blayre [Edward Heron-Allen]
Reprint Story, [Italian Edition]
L’ora Degli Spettri. 29 Storie di Fantasmi (Italy), Editor: P. Guarriello e G. Biondo, Edizioni Hypnos, 6 December 2017, 177-183, ISBN-10: 8896952646
Concerning Christopher Blayre
By George Medhurst
The Bibliophan. Vol. 1, (No. 3): January 1942, 1-3
Edward Heron-Allen
By Robert Lewin
The Strad Journal, Novello & Co., (London), Vol. 86 (No. 1023), July 1975, 201-207
The Palmist's Campanion: A History and Bibliography of Palmistry. Chapter: Biographical Essays: Edward Heron-Allen
By Andrew Fitzherbert
First edition
The Scarecrow Press, Inc. (Metuchen, N.J.), 1992, one plate, 31-35, hard-cover, 8vo, ISBN 0-8108-2524-4
A Journal from the Great War
By Judith Scherer Herz
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, (Greensboro, N.C.), Vol. 47 (no. 4): 2004, 452-5
The Necromancer and the Seer: Bibliophilia at the fin de siècle
By Ellen Crowell [Internet] Commentary.
TLS The Times Literary Supplement, (Los Angeles), December 18, 2015, 33 pp., two B/W plates.
C. Giles Miller: Sherborn’s Foraminiferal Studies and their Influence on the Collections at the Natural History Museum, London [Sherborn and Edward Heron-Allen]
Michael e (ed.) Anchoring Biodiversity Information: From Sherborn to the 21st century and beyond.
Zookeys 550: 71-81. doi:10.3897/zookeys.550.9863
Edward Heron-Allen. A Bibliography
By John P. Mahoney and Timothy J. McCann
First Edition, limited edition of 135 copies, library edition, nos. 1-125; 10 copies of the deluxe edition, nos. 126-135
The Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester). 2018. 181 pp., three parts: books and pamphlets by Heron-Allen, articles by Heron-Allen, books, and articles about Heron-Allen, illustrated dust jacket and hardcover, 4to, twenty-two color illustrations, ISBN: 978-1-912804-32-0
Edward Heron-Allen. A Bibliography
By John P. Mahoney and Timothy J. McCann
First Edition, limited edition of 50 copies
The Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester). 2018. 276 pp., three parts: books and pamphlets by Heron-Allen, articles by Heron-Allen, books, and articles about Heron-Allen, illustrated softcover, small 8vo, twenty-two black & white illustrations
The Eighteenth Annual Symposium, Chichester
By Peter Horton
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 33, Autumn 2018, 1-3
Edward Henry Whinfield and Edward Heron-Allen
By Bob Forrest
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 33, Autumn 2018, 3-6
Edward Heron-Allen's Commonplace Book 1883-1889. A Literary Darwinian Relic to his 'Miscellanea'
By John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 33, Autumn 2018, 6-10
The Nerdiest Christmas Cards Ever May Be These Microscopic Slides Composed of Shells. The unusual holiday exchange, which lasted decades during the early 20th-century, hints at the drama between the two colleagues
By Allison C Meier https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/two-scientists-exchanged-christmas-greetings-microscope-slides-180971049/
Smithsonian.com, (Washington, D.C.), December 17, 2018, at 11:21 AM, three color and two black & white illustrations
The Mystery of the Microfossil Christmas Cards | Curator of Micropaleontology
By Giles Miller https://naturalhistorymuseum.blog/2018/12/20/the-mystery-of-the-microfossil-christmas-cards-curator-of-micropaleontology/
Natural History Museum, Blogs from the Natural History Museum (London), 20 December 2018, five-color and two black & white illustrations
The Eighteenth Heron-Allen Symposium at The Novium, Chichester
By Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), 'Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.'
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 2-4
Edward Heron-Allen and the Ice-Age Boulders of Selsey
By David Bone
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), 'Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.'
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 5-16
The Cult of Harrow and the Suicide of Sylvester Gray: The Servant Edward Heron-Allen
By John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), 'Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.'
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 17-39
Threader [Blog Review on The Princess Daphne by Edward Heron-Allen]
By Jess Nevins
Internet Blog Presentation, July 10, 2019
Threader-App, 2019, seven printable pages
A Prince among Friends: The Life and Times of Gabrielle Enthoven
By Joan Navarre
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), 'Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.'
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 40-49
Edward Heron-Allen and His Silver Spoons
By Timothy J. McCann
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), 'Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 50-61
The Large Acres Inscribed Treasure Chest
By David Thompson
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), ‘Edward Heron-Allen: A Gallimaufry.
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVI, 2019, 62-68
The Annual Heron-Allen Lecture at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
By Juliet and David Field
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 1-3
Harry Clarke, Edward Heron-Allen and Bishop Walter Lynch. The 7th Heron-Allen
International Symposium, Mulranny, Ireland, 2018
By Alison McCann
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 3-5
The Eighteenth Annual Symposium, Chichester, 2018
By Peter Horton
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 5-6
Kensington's Mannequin Lee Sisters at Edward Heron-Allen's Large Acres in Selsey
By John P. Mahoney and Barbara P. Mahoney
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 6-9
Edward Heron-Allen and Sir George Errington
By Timothy J. McCann
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 9-12
Garry Garrard (1941 – 2018)
By Bob Forrest
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 34, Spring 2019, 12
The Nineteenth Heron-Allen Symposium at St. Peter’s Church Hall, Selsey
By Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), "Edward Heron-Allen: Large Acres and Beyond"
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVII, 2019, 2-4
Heron-Allen's Fossil Collection in the Novium Museum (Formerly Chichester District Museum)
By David Bone
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), "Edward Heron-Allen: Large Acres and Beyond"
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVII, 2019, 5-16
'Nour-Khana': The History of a Family Getaway, a Creation of Edward and Edith Heron-Allen in a Field Called 'Large Acres' at Selsey in Sussex
By John P. Mahoney, Barbara P. Mahoney, and Peter Kluzak
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), "Edward Heron-Allen: Large Acres and Beyond"
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVII, 2019, 17-40
Edward Heron-Allen and Pope Leo XIII
By Timothy J. McCann
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), "Edward Heron-Allen: Large Acres and Beyond"
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVII, 2019, 41-48
The Large Acres Sundial
By David Thompson
Timothy J. McCann and John E. Whittaker, (ed.s), "Edward Heron-Allen: Large Acres and Beyond"
Heron-Allen Society, (Chichester), Opusculum XXVII, 2019, 49-54
The Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Selsey, 2019
By Juliet Field
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 1-4
Edward Heron-Allen, John Sampson and William Abbott Herdman
By Bob Forrest
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 4-8
Some Recent Additions to the Heron-Allen Collection at Chichester
By Timothy J. McCann
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 9-10
Ivor Edward Jones, 18 February 1930 - 9 March 2019
By Sam Jones
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 10-12
Ivor Edward Jones - A Tribute
By Joan Navarre
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 13-14
Richard Hodgkinson
By John E. Whittaker
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 14-15
Dr. Christopher Willcox (1940-2019)
By Merlin Willcox
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 35, Autumn 2019, 15-16
A 'Brief Biography of Author and Polymath, Edward Heron-Allen, 1861-1943 [Late Bro. Necromancer of the London Sette of Odd Volumes]
By Timothy J. McCann and John P. Mahoney
The Tallahassee Sette of Odd Volumes, (Tallahassee), Opuscula No. III, pamphlet, Limited edition, 51 copies, 2020, 1-26
The Annual Heron-Allen Lecture at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, Friday 13 March 2020
By Juliet and David Field
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 36, Spring 2020, 1-3
The 9th Heron-Allen International Symposium, held at Biarritz and Pau in France, 19th – 26th September 2019
By Ted Collins
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 36, Spring 2020, 3-9
A Heron-Allen Discovery in Holland
By Eduard Harinck
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, (Chichester), no. 36, Spring 2020, 10-11
Selsey in 1672
By Ruth Mariner
Selsey Life, No. 254, April 2020, 4 pages