Edward Heron-Allen
Publications about or mentioning the life and works of Edward Heron-Allen.
- Opuscula
- Newsletters
- Books
- Articles
- Bone, David, 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Ice-Age Boulders of Selsey' in Opusculum XXVI, (2019), 5-16
- Mahoney, John P. and Mahoney, Barbara, 'The Cult of Harrow and the Suicide of Sylvester Gray: The Servant Edward Heron-Allen' inOpusculum XXVI, (2019), 17-39
- McCann, Timothy J.,, 'Edward Heron-Allen and His Silver Spoons' in Opusculum XXVI, (2019), 50-61
- McCann, Timothy J. and Whittaker, John E.,, 'The Eighteenth Heron-Allen Symposium at the Novium, Chichester' in Opusculum XXVI, (2019), 3-4
- Navarre, Joan, 'A Prince among Friends: The Life and Times of Gabrielle Enthoven' in Opusculum XXVI, (2019), 40-49
- Thompson, David, 'The Large Acres Inscribed Treasure Chest' in Opusculum XXVI, (2019), 62-67 2018
- Cline, Roger, 'Collecting Heron-Allen' in Opusculum XXIV, (2018), 57-67
- Forrest, Bob, 'Edward Henry Whinfield and Edward Heron-Allen' in The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, no. 33, (Autumn 2018), 3-6
- Horton, Peter, 'The Eighteenth Annual Symposium, Chichester' in The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, no. 33, (Autumn 2018), 1-3
- Mahoney, John P. and Mahoney, Barbara, 'Edward Heron-Allen's Commonplace Book 1883-1889. A Literary Darwinian Relic to his 'Miscellanea'' in The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, no. 33, (Autumn 2018), 6-10
- Mahoney, John P., Mahoney, Barbara P. and Mariani, Antonella, 'The Mrs. E.C. Buckley – Sir Coleridge Kennard Affair and
Solicitor Edward Heron-Allen' in Opusculum XXIV, (2018), 15-41- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Captain A.W.F. Fuller' in Opusculum XXIV, (2018), 42-56
- Meier, Allison C., 'The Nerdiest Christmas Cards Ever May Be These Microscopic Slides Composed of Shells.
The unusual holiday exchange, which lasted decades during the early 20th-century, hints at the drama between the two colleagues', in Smithsonian.com, (Washington, D.C.), (17 Dec 2018)- Miller, Giles, 'The Mystery of the Microfossil Christmas Cards | Curator of Micropaleontology', in
Natural History Museum, Blogs from the Natural History Museum, (London), (20 Dec 2018)- Thompson, David, 'Edward Heron-Allen. A further brief Genealogy' in Opusculum XXIV, (2018), 5-14
2016- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Eleanore Zugun, the Romanian Poltergeist' in Opusculum XXIII, (2016), 25-40
- Mahoney, John P. and Barbara P., 'Ship Stink, Immigrants and Hypersomia. A Tale of ex-Palmist Edward Heron-Allen and the Castle Garden
Affair' in Opusculum XXIII,(2016), 5-19- Thompson, David, 'The Armorial Progress of Edward Heron-Allen' in Opusculum XXIII, (2016), 20-24
- Whittaker, John E., 'Letters from Lundy' in Opusculum XXIII, (2016), 41-47
2015- Bone, David, 'Quarrying the Mixon: Edward Heron-Allen's Mystery resolved', in Opusculum XXII, (2015), 6-17
- Crowell, Ellen, 'The Necromancer and the Seer: Bibliophilia at the fin de siècle', in TLS The Times Literary Supplement (18 Dec 2015), 33 pp.
- Mahoney, John P. and Barbara P., 'The 1903 Egyptian Rebirth of the Necromancer. Edward Heron-Allen: The Discovery of Ned and
Barry's Excellent Adventure', in Opusculum XXII, (2015), 18-29- Mariner, Ruth, '1909 - A Mammoth Year for Selsey. Truly a worldwide phenomenon', in Selsey Life, no.196 (March 2015), 15-25
- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Arthur Smith Woodward@, in Opusculum XXII, (2015), 30-45
- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Constance Wilde: A Horoscope and two Palm-Readings', in The Wildean, no.47 (July 2015), 56-64
- Whittaker, John E., 'In the Footsteps of Alcide d'Orbigny: Heron-Allen's Visit to Paris and La Rochelle, May 1914', in Opusculum XXII, (2015), 46-59
2014- Bone, David, 'Heron-Allen and the ''Saxon Feet'' from Selsey', in Opusculum XXI (2014), 38-46
- Hockenhull, Thomas, 'Edward Heron-Allen's Coins and Banknotes in the British Museum', in Opusculum XX (2014), 43-45
- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'Doctor Christopher Blayre, Scientific and Literary Accomplishments, 1921-1934', in Opusculum XX (2014), 4-18
- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Selina Dolaro: The Princess Daphne Co-Authorship: Opinion or Fact', in
Opusculum XXI (2014), 5-19- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and Walter Sickert in Venice and Dieppe', in Opusculum XXI (2014), 20-37
- Parfitt, Simon A., 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Discovery of the Selsey Mammoth, 1909', in Opusculum XX (2014), 19-42
- Thompson, David, 'Heron-Allen's Pocket Watch', in Opusculum XX (2014), 48-51
- Thompson, Pamela, 'Edward Heron-Allen's Collections in the British Museum', in Opusculum XX (2014), 46-47
- Whittaker, John E., 'Heron-Allen and the Selsey Tramway', in Opusculum XXI (2014), 47-58
2013- Anderson, Anne, ''There is a Divinity in Odd Numbers': Oscar's encounter with some very Odd Volumes', in The Wildean, no.43 (July 2013), 77-86
- Bargmann, Jan, 'Reminiscences of my Great Aunt, Helene Elizabeth Bargmann - Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., A.T.S., (1896-1987), Biologist',
in Opusculum XIX (2013), 46-50- Bezik, Nada, 'U Snaki Violine, Citre, Glazbala 1 Giazbalara', in Hageze. Glasilo Hrvatskoga Glazbenog Zavoda, XVI, no.5 (2013), 1
- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'The Queen of Bohemia and the Poems and Passions of the Boy Omar: Selina Dolaro and
Edward Heron-Allen's Mes Amours', in Opusculum XIX (2013), 23-35- McCann, Timothy J., '"Nocturnes, Novels and Necromancy": Blanche Roosevelt, Edmund Downey and Edward Heron-Allen',
in Opusculum XIX (2013), 4-22- Whittaker, John E., 'Helene Bargmann - "The Last Lady"', in Opusculum XIX (2013), 36-45
- Whittaker, John E., 'Edward Heron-Allen FRS (1861-1943)', in A. J. Bowden, F. J. Gregory and A. S. Henderson
Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology, (2013), 47-57- Connor, Steve, 'The shell-loving scientists torn apart by a mystery woman', in Indipendent (23 Dec 2012)
- Horton, Peter, 'Edward Heron-Allen as Music Critic', in Opusculum XVIII (2012), 16-24
- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'The resurrection of the Edward Heron-Allen Violin No.2. Modelled after the
Joseph Guarnicus del Gesu 1734 Ex-Sainton', in Opusculum XVIII (2012), 25-33- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen's Visit to Downside, 1886', in Opusculum XVIII (2012), 3-15
- Miller, Giles, '100 year old microfossil Christmas card', on his Curator of Micropalaeontology's blog (24 December 2012)
- Miller, Giles, 'Terra Nova microfossils from the Scott Expedition', on his Curator of Micropalaeontology's blog (30 January 2012)
2011- Bates, Martin R., 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Quaternary Geology of the Manhood Peninsula. A View from the 21st. Century',
in Opusculum XVI (2011), 17-37- Beretti, Francis, 'Impressions de voyage en Corse, par Edward Heron-Allen, (Avril-Mai 1921) journal inedited, presente, traduit et annote',
in Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Historigues et Naturelles de la Corse (2011), 27-84- Bone, David A., 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Geology of Selsey Bill', in Opusculum XVI (2011), 4-16
- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'The Le Gallienne versus Heron-Allen Incident', in Opusculum XVII (2011), 3-40
- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen, L.J. Salzman and "The Mound" at Selsey, 1911', in Opusculum XVI (2011), 38-50
- Navarre, Joan, 'Oscar Wilde, Edward Heron-Allen and the Palmistry Craze of the 1890s',
in English Literature in Transition 1880-1920, 54 no.2 (2011), 174-84- Bossons, Richard, '"The Man in White": Edward Heron-Allen and the Thames', in Opusculum XV (2010), 1-27
- Collins, Timothy, '"The Results greatly exceeded the Expectations of the Promoters": The Clare island Survey of 1909-1911',
in Opusculum XIV (2010), 2-18- McCann, Timothy J., 'The Singular Life of Edward Heron-Allen', in Opusculum XIV (2010), 41
- Navarre, Joan, 'Food for Thought. Ye Sette of Odd Volumes Dining Society', in Richard Hosking (ed.), Food and Language,
Prospect Books (2010), 247-53- Whittaker, John E., 'The Foramifera of Clare Island Co Mayo: An Account of Heron-Allen and Earland's Fieldwork in Western Ireland,
August 1911: A Scientific Expedition with Pretty Girls', in Opusculum XIV (2010), 42-53- Fletcher, Joann, 'The Heron-Allen Collection of Egyptian Scarabs' in Opusculum XII (2009), 14-29
- Garrard, Garry, 'Edward Heron-Allen - Accomplice to Fraud. The Legacy of EH-A's Work on the Rubiayat of Omar Khayyam',
in Opusculum XIII (2009), 25-34- Mahoney, Barbara P. and John P., 'A Response to his Oddshipp the President and Members of the Sette of Odd Volumes:
Le Gallienne versus Heron-Allen', in Opusculum XIII (2009), 35-52- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen's Ballad of Lord Bateman', in Opusculum XIII (2009), 5-14
- Navarre, Joan, '"Chicago Palmistry": Eugene Field's Portrait of Edward Heron-Allen in America', in Opusculum XIII (2009), 15-24
- Scott, Peter T., 'Tea at the De Keyser Hotel - Edward Heron-Allen's Colleagues at M.I.7(b)', in Opusculum XII (2009), 30-40
- Thompson, Pam, '"A Cornucopia of Treasures and Trivia": Heron-Allen's Miscellanea in the Royal College of Music Collection',
in Opusculum XII (2009), 5-13- Whittaker, John E., 'Heron-Allen's Holiday Journal Account of his Visit to the IXth International Zoological Congress. Monaco 1913',
in Opusculum XIII (2009), 53-61- McCann, Timothy J., 'The Heron-Allen Collection at the West Sussex Record Office in Chichester', in
Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, no.14 (2009), 3-5- Farrar, Steve, 'Out of the Cupboard and calling to you: The cursed Delphi Purple Sapphire', in
Opusculum X (2008), 42-7- Hulan, Brian, '"Off the Shelf": Armorel Heron-Allen and Umar Khayyam', in Opusculum XI (2008), 30-4
- Jones, Ivor, 'Armorel Daphne Heron-Allen: The Early Years', in Opusculum XI (2008), 4-10
- McCann Timothy J., '"Men of Prevision": Edward Heron-Allen, John Johnson and the John Johnson Collection of
Printed Ephemera in the Bodleian Library, Oxford', in Opusculum XI (2008), 35-44- Navarre, Joan, '"Woman of the World": Armorel Daphne Heron-Allen and Lady Longford at Oxford', in
Opusculum XI (2008), 11-22- Pitt, Alethea, 'Reminiscences of Lady Margaret Hall and the Heron-Allen Family', in Opusculum XI (2008), 23-5
- Pitt, Alethea and Ridley, Marjorie , 'Armorel Daphne Heron-Allen Scholarship: a historical note', in
Opusculum XI (2008), 26-9- Thompson, Pamela, 'The Edward Heron-Allen Collection in the Royal College of Music Library', in
Opusculum IX (2007), 13-22 & in Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 55, no.3 (July-September 2008), 474-83- Morelle, Rebecca, 'Dazzling delights go on display', in BBC Online (28 Nov 2007)
- Farrar, Steve, 'Out of the cupboard and calling to you: the cursed Delhi Purple Sapphire',
in Sunday Times Online (25 Nov 2007)- Woollard, Deidre, 'Cursed Stone Goes On Display in London', in The Luxist (27 November 2007)
- ''Cursed' Delhi Purple Sapphire to go on display', in DNA India (26 November 2007)
- 'Cursed Indian gem on display in UK', in IBN Live (26 November 2007)
- Bragança, José Vicente de, 'Edward and Edith Heron-Allen', on his blog - Ex Libris/Bookplates (5 March 2007)
2006- Cubells, Jean-Francois, 'Le Mystere des sables rouge' in Stantari Histoire naturelle & culturelle de la Corse, Fevrier-Avril, no.4 (2006), 22-7
- Garrard, Garry, 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam', in Opusculum IX (2006), 40-51
- Harvey, Brian, 'Edward Heron-Allen - Violin Historian and Maker Extraordinary', in Opusculum IX (2006), 4-12
- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen and George Borrow's Beer Jug', in
George Borrow Bulletin, no.32 (2006), 73-76- Navarre, Joan, '"An Afternoon with Chanot": Remembering George Chanot, Edward Heron-Allen and 157 Wardour Street',
in Opusculum IX (2006), 33-9- Thompson, Pamela A., 'The Edward Heron-Allen Collection in the Royal College of Music Library', in Opusculum IX (2006), 13-22
2005- Fletcher, Joann, 'Edward Heron-Allen, His Friends and their Mummies: EH-A and Ancient Egypt', in
Opusculum VIII (2005), 17-44- Harvey, Brian, 'More than Meets the Eye: The remarkable Life of the Edwardian Polymath Edward Heron-Allen', in
Newsletter of the British Violin Making Association, no.39 (2005), 8-11- Henderson, Andrew and Whittaker, John E., 'The Clare Island Survey of 1911 - a scientific expedition with pretty girls', in
Opusculum VII (2005), 51-58- Hodgkinson, Richard L., 'An introduction to Foraminifera', in Opusculum VII (2005), 3-10
- Hodgkinson, Richard L., 'My friend Fortescue William Millett, the last of the "Great Foraminiferologists"', in
Opusculum VIII (2005), 45-54- Horton, Peter, 'Edward Heron-Allen and the Royal College of Music', in Opusculum IX (2005), 23-31
- Jones, Clive, 'Belated Yuletide Greetings', in Set in Stone, Vol. 2, no.2 (2005), 16-17
- Jones, Clive,'Some Treasure of the Heron-Allen Library at the Natural History Museum', in
Opusculum VII (2005), 32-50- Kaminski, Michael A., 'Edward Heron-Allen and his theory of "Purpose and Intelligence in the Foraminifera"', in
Opusculum VII (2005), 11-31- McCann, Timothy J., 'Edward Heron-Allen, Raymond Tinne Berthon and Treasure Trove at Selsey', in
Opusculum VIII (2005), 4-16- Navarre, Joan, 'Asparagus and the Art of Good Living: Remembering Edward Heron-Allen, FRS (1861-1943)' in
Food & Wine, December 2005, 4-5- Allpress, Peter, 'Notes on some Bookplates of Edward Heron-Allen', in Opusculum VI (2004), 11-23
- Burrough, Bryan, 'The Allen Family and the Allen Room', in Opusculum VI (2004), 2-7
- Hodgkinson, R.L. and Whittaker, J.E., 'Edward Heron-Allen FRS (1861-1943); a review of his scientific career,
with an annotated bibliography of his foraminiferal publications', in Archives of Natural History,
vol. 31, pt.1 (2004), 6-29- Jones, Clive, 'Rockfall: Edward Heron-Allen: The Man and his Library', in Set in Stone, vol. 2, no.1 (2004), 10-11
- McCann, Timothy J., '"My first Appearance in Print": Edward Heron-Allen, the Rev. W.B. Philpott
and the Geology of Bognor', in Opusculum VI (2004), 24-30- Powell, Claire, 'The Edward Heron-Allen Collection of Editions of Omar Khayyam and Edward Fitzgerald at
the London Library', in Opusculum VI (2004), 8-10- Fitzgerald Carol, 'Edward Heron-Allen, the War Journal and Women', in Opusculum V (2003), 9-25
- Harvey, Brian, 'Eminent Victorian', in The Strad, vol. 114, no. 1354 (Feb. 2003), 152-7
- Harvey Brian, 'The Importance of EH-A's "Journal of the Great War"', in Opusculum V (2003), 1-8
- Hodgkinson Richard L. and Whittaker John E., '"The Beauty and Mystery of the Foraminifera"; The Scientific
Research of Edward Heron-Allen FRS', in Opusculum IV (2003), 1-37- Jones, Clive, 'Edward Heron-Allen's Scientific Library at the Natural History Museum' in
The Heron-Allen Society Newsletter, no.3 (2003), 6-7- Solomon, Gil, 'Beginner's Luck', in The Strad, vol. 114, no. 1354 (Feb. 2003), 160-3
[Heron-Allen's 1883 Guarneri, his second violin]- Wyse-Jackson, Patrick N., Robinson, M. and Austin, W.E.N., 'Arthur Earland (1866-1958) and his links with
Ireland', in Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 21 (2003), 167-8- Whittaker, John, 'Edward Heron-Allen', in Geology Today, vol. 19, no.6 (2003), 199
2002- Heron-Allen, Edward, 'Le courrier De L'Air', in The Falling Leaf, no.177 (2002), 47-50
- McCann Timothy J., 'The Quest for the Heron-Allen Society', in Opusculum III (2002), 1-11
- Robinson, Eric, 'Foramateur extraordinaire: Edward Heron-Allen', in Geology Today, vol. 18, no.5 (2002)
- Robinson, M. and Austin, W.E.N., 'Arthur Earland: the foraminiferal slide collection and correspondence
at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, in Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 20 (2002), 97-122- Russell, Ray, 'The Princess Daphne', in Weirdly Supernatural, no.1 (2002)
2001- Jones, Ivor E., 'Edward Heron-Allen', in Opusculum II (2001), 1-15
2000- Russell, Ray, 'Edward Heron-Allen and Christopher Blayre', in The Antiquarian Book Monthly (May 2000)
& in Tartarus Press. A Christmas Miscellany, 2000 (2000), 16-18- Navarre, Joan, 'Edward Heron-Allen FRS', in Encyclopedia Iranica, Ehsan Yarshater (ed.) (1996-2008)
- Reginald, Robert, 'Strange Lessons: Edward Heron-Allen's CosmopoliTales', in Robert Reginald,
Xenograffiti (1996), 60-2- Harvey, Brian, 'Heron-Allen's Fiduciana', in The Strad, Vol. 107, no.1237 (May 1993), 484-6
1989- Hodgkinson, R.I., 'The Heron-Allen & Earland Type Slide Collection of Foraminifera in the British Museum (Natural History)',
in The Journal of Micropalaentology, vol. 8 (1989), 149-56- Fitzpatrick, R., 'The Heron-Allen Collection of Foraminifera', in The Natural History Magazine, vol. 1 (1927), 27-30
1926- Earland, A. and Heron-Allen, E., 'Selective Building in the Shells of Foraminifera' in The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club,
(Proceedings of the Quekett Microscopical Club at its 606th Ordinary Meeting on June 8th, 1926), Series 2, Vol. XV, No. 92, (1926), 275-28- Heron-Allen, Edward, 'Contributions to the Study of Bionomics and the Reproductive Process in the
Foraminfera', in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 206 (1915), 227-79- Heron-Allen, Edward, 'The violin Family', in J.A. Fuller Maitland (ed.), Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians,
vol. 5, (1914), 285-314- Heron-Allen, Edward, 'Old Violin Frauds', in The Strad, (Oct. 1890), 113-5
1889- Heron-Allen, Edward, 'The Violin', in Lippincott's (Nov. 1889), 692-7
- Obituaries
- Mahoney, John P., Mahoney, Barbara P. and Mariani, Antonella, 'The Mrs. E.C. Buckley – Sir Coleridge Kennard Affair and